What is the Now?


What is the Now? Whenever I hand someone a sticker I’m often asked what is this NowAge thing. It’s very hard to explain NowAge as it is always Now. It’s always changing and it’s always something new. It’s more than just a concept or idea, it’s just Now.
What is the Now? Now is the Now. There is no simpler way to explain it, yet it still seems so hard to explain.
It’s such a simple and obvious concept yet neither science, philosophy or religion has been able to capture and explain it.
We all experience the Now, as we are always experiencing it. There is nothing other than the Now, yet it seems like such a hard thing to concentrate on. Our thoughts take us to the past and our future, yet we still experience them Now.
But the Now is a strange thing, cause event though we are now the Now is not just it our minds and our brains. While I am Now, the phone on which I type this is Now. The woman sitting across from me on the train is also Now, yet I think she doesn’t realize it as she reads a fashion magazine.
The man resting next to me is also experiencing the Now, yet his Now is very different from my Now, his eyes are fluttering in REM sleep, which suggest his mind is experiencing the Spirit Molecule.
It’s strange, how he has his own Now and I have my own. How can I own a Now? I AM Now, in that the thing I call me, not my thoughts or my body, but ME, the thing that experiences, that which some may call a soul, THAT is Now. A Now. My Now. I AM this Now! I am the space between that which was and that which is.



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