Are you centered?

Tonight at this session of occupy Weed st I had the most interesting discussion. Right after leading a very fun and emotional meditation circle I spoke to a few people who really enjoyed it and who wanted to know more.

The best question I got was “what does it mean to be centered?”

Being centered is in metaphorical sense the state in which you are balanced at the present time. Being balanced, being focused, being able to take the good and the bad, the pain with the pleasure, the progress with the retrograde.

It is so easy to get lost in the trip. There is so much out there, so much to do, so much to experience, so much to think about. It is easy to get lost in a story, lost in a fad, lost in a movement, lost in an obsession, lost in a fantasy. There are an infinite different worlds out there you can get lost in, so many incredible fantasy worlds, so many what ifs and possibilities. But none of them are the Here and Now, none of them are home.

Home, the Here and Now, the single point that exists at the center of existence, the focal point of who you are and what you are, unassuming and unchanging, it just is and all else exists around this Now.

There is nothing wrong with going on these adventures, it is what we are here for- to experience, to do, to learn, to inspire, but it is so easy to get lost in one thing and another and forget that it is not real, it is only an illusion that we chose to experience and if we so wish we can change our subjective experience.

It is so easy to get lost in the drama that you begin to take it seriously, you lose your sense of humor, you lose your perspective, you lose your self. But when you are center you are yourself, you can’t lose focus on that.

This is why it is so crucial that we be centered, that we know who we are and are in touch with the light that is within, otherwise we will lose sight of the light. This light is always centered in your heart, your mind and your body. It is only three breaths aways.

Let’s take three breaths, each one deeper than before, and together find our center and experience the light.1653583_10151917867202011_2063229968_n



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