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What are The Secret Keys?

The Secret Keys- Love thy self, Be present & aware and Create positive energy.

These keys are an interpretation of Thou Art God, a way to understand how we can apply ourselves to the divine universe around us.

These three keys represent alignment with our true selves. They correspond with the three layers of who and what we are, representing the spiritual, the mental and the physical, the heart, the mind and the body. All of us have a heart, a mind and a body, it is the three things we have Now. Getting them centered and aligned is the challenge. These stickers are the perfect guide.

1. Love thy self, respect and accept yourself, be honest and congruent with your emotions and how you feel. Don’t do things that make you feel bad and empty, do things that make you feel righteous and whole.

2. Be Present & Aware, Be Here and Now, Be Conscious of what you are doing at the moment and what you need to be doing. Don’t let your mind get distracted by what was or what could be,  put your entire attention on what you are presently doing and do it to your best ability. The truth is always right before your eyes!

3. Create positive energy, make something, go somewhere, learn and do what you can to help others. Make other people happy and leave the world around you a better place. Everything is energy and everything you do determines if you are using your energy for good or for bad. The more good you do the more others will want to do good for you.

In this video, Solomon discusses and breaks down The Three Keys: