The Light wants us to suffer
The Light wants us to feel pain and anger and fear.
The Light wants us to experience, to live, to feel.
We all know what suffering and pain is. Not everyone experiences the same pain and sorrow as anyone else, but just because someone has suffered more than you does not take away from your own experience. We all have our share of pain in this world and it is all legitimate suffering. I can only be thankful for the blessings I was given in life and do all I can to alleviate suffering from other people.
Some people I’ve met try to justify their share of pain. To explain why they have a right to feel pain. This thinking, this insecurity that perhaps their pain is not big enough, that they are not justified in feeling what they feel is unfounded. We all have the right to feel sad, we all have the right to feel pain and anger and frustration. We all have the right to feel weak.
The experiences I have had, that which the Light has guided me and provided me, has shaped me to be who I am, and there is no apology for who that person is. My experiences, my path, the steps I took, every mistake made, every victory won, are another step in the larger dance.