Two pancake or to pancake? And Booze and art!

Pancakes, booze and art!


Unlocking the Light is a bold new step in a new direction for me. While I have been trying to organize a community this is the first real attempt to bring a community together at my own home. What I’m hoping to do is create an atmosphere of open discussion on deep topics to see what new ideas may grow when people of different beliefs and ideas come together.

This experience was only the beginning of the night though.
Established in May of 2009, The Pancakes & Booze Art Show is an art and music movement that has swept the nation with the country’s largest exhibit of emerging artists! With each show anywhere from 50 to 150 local artists go on display, live music, live canvas and body painting performances, and best of all FREE ALL-U-CAN EAT PANCAKES! Exhibits in LA, New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver, Toronto, Seattle, Washington DC, Nashville, Portland, Vancouver, Houston, Miami, Minneapolis, Atlanta, Dallas, Austin, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, San Diego & Phoenix!


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Sean Brown

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The Grateful Dead Mouse caught my eye, Sean’s depictions of pop icons flavored with his own style of soft candy Tootsie Pop wrappers. Is this an allusion to pop-culture’s obsession with soft sugar with out any meaningful content? I’m guessing Ziggy Stardust and Kanye are mad at each other.




The face of Dali’s grinning skull caught my eye.


Benjamin Aho


The striking simplicity of this acrylic piece is what caught my eye. While much of Aho’s work is chaotic and energetic this has a calm yet striking minimalist simplicity.


Alex Fulop


It wasn’t the talent that drew me to this one but the clear feeling that there was something suspicious going on in the way the painting was made. Sure enough, Alex assured me he was on a Vision while painting this one drawing the centerpiece, the crosses and the interlinking colors, was boozing on whiskey while doing the broader movements and a hangover while adding the finishing touches and dots and stars. Of course the price tag was 420.


Robert Barker

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Annie Legnini

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The levels of sub-context is incredible. Ripping your own face off to reveal your third eye? A portrait that goes further than skin deep?

Annie’s newest piece, Corporeal Angels, is an eerie depiction of unskinned humanlike characters in dramatic dance poses.


Corey Grider

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The cyberpunk hues of blue drew me in like a worm to a book, the contrasting red of the girl eating a heart (is it her own or someone else?) and Corey making dirty jokes right by.


Brooke McGowen

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Ancestors, a black light neon colored series of three by brilliant Brooke McGowen, whose use of black-light goes beyond just adding color, she adds whole new layers to her art.


Michael Puleo



Pseudo Manitou

Love me please?
Wrath of Dog
Love who you want to love


Dominique Davenport


Censorship is something that bother Dominique. Why is the female nipple stigmatized so much? Why is there such discrimination again the female body? So instead of letting the world censor her Dominique censored herself in this colorful art-piece.


Henry Minata



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The easily recognizable Henry Minata has been a consistent part of the Union Sq art scene. His detailed visions of twisted fantasy and childish horror will draw you in and leave you wanting more!



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