How to be conscious of your consciousness

Last night we were shooting a pilot for a new show about Medicine (sneak peek!) it was great meeting up with more familiar faces and catching up. After my vision quest with Harrison and Lorna I felt very much revived and immersing myself in medicine has done well for my peace of mind.

The vision quest was amazing, no doubt one of the best I’ve had. I usually enjoy having my quests in nice weather where I can easily run around outside, removing items of clothing, move around freely and even dress like a Greek god, but the w  eather was bellow freezing and Harrison’s apartment was warm and cozy, we ended playing games and telling stories. It’s hard for me to pinpoint exactly what we did, the nonverbal communication between us was thick. I recall tasting chocolate other people were eating and doing sacred circle yoga, meditation and medication. One of the best birthday parties I’ve been to.

The filming took place at Bar 13 off union sq. I know the rooftop there very well, and while it was iced over and slippery it still proved a decent smoking and conversation spot. I met up with a couple old characters I’ve become acquainted with, including Aran Kay, who’s son has debated me numerous times about religion and spirituality, and many other classic faces from the occupy and activist scenes.

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I also had an instant moment with a young man named Austin, the first connection was the recognition of each other’s crystals. He was the third person that night to ask me about my crystals WITHOUT touching them (big points for not grabbing my crystals!!!). We got into conversation about medicine, the hemp industry and what consciousness is.

The subject of ascended masters came up, a subject I have strong feelings about as someone who has spoken to the ascended master(masters) that is above and bellow (for all are one and one is all) and it still annoys me how many people who are into bettering their spirituality still separate themselves (ourselves) from the masters (them) especially when it comes to the consciousness.

What is consciousness?

The question sparked an excellent conversation afterwards as well.

Consciousness is a state we all have, or so I assume, as I don’t know any way to measure or show that anyone other than me has it, and that is only demonstrable to myself. My experience of consciousness is evident to myself through my experience of it, but I can only experience my own stream of consciousness, not anyone else’s. So how do you measure a conscious? How can you say who has a higher one and who doesn’t?

Can a Dog attain enlightenment?

Of course the spiritual path has become a competitive one, so many people are trying to out spiritualize each other. This, in turn festers and manifests in pseudo-spiritual fads propagated by ego, fear, greed and misinformation over honest spiritual ideas and realizations.

I see consciousness, not as something separated and measurable like rocks or even grains of sane, it’s something more intangible and continuous. The STREAM of consciousness that you flow through is not separated by silly notions like “you” and “me”, it’s something more superfluous between each other. I felt it in the vision quest, when “your” consciousness become immersed in “my” consciousness we can begin to play with the very concept of “you and me”, swapping experiences and memories on a more subtle level. It is like a conscious continuum that we perceive a shared experience of while constantly exploring it.

The real question would not be “are you conscious” or “how conscious are you?”

Before leaving I had another excellent conversation with some people I met who were very curious about what was going on. The couple was not a big users or advocate of marijuana legalization, but they were very interested in what we had to say and were very interested in some of the ideas I had to share.

What I said and they loved it, was that all I know for certainty is that they are conscious Now. Not in the past, not in the future, but Now. It’s a simple and obvious concept to realize, yet it’s implications are so subtle and outstanding. It is the one fact I can claim about consciousness that cannot be refuted.

The question is are you conscious of your conscious? Are you paying attention? Are you Now?



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